Displaced Impulses...A Common Problem That is Relatively Unknown

Displaced Impulses...A Common Problem That is Relatively Unknown

What are "Displaced Impulses?"

These are impulses that end up in the wrong part of body when a player is struggling with a passage technically and work contrary to the natural movements of the body. A classic example is someone bobbing their head when playing a difficult passage. Of course it can be any part of the body, but always prevents the natural motion needed to play a passage.

The Cure...

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A rarely observed fact that can instantly change your bow arm!

A rarely observed fact that can instantly change your bow arm!

I was working with an exceptional violinist the other day and discovered that she didn't know this important but little known fact of the bow. This is how the conversation went. I said to her...

What is the line or direction of the pull on the down bow?

Quickly we deduced that it is to the right and horizontal.

Then I asked her what is the direction of pressure?

After considering it for a moment it was discovered to be vertical or downward. Then we proceeded to the up bow.

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How To Go Native With Your Cello

How To Go Native With Your Cello

The foundation of the Dounis method was reawakening your native instincts. He had remedial exercises for restoring those instincts and allowing the natural player to emerge...just like a prodigy.

Usually the first question is...

Can I play the cello like a child prodigy?

Yes, once your native instincts are reestablished, then the instrument becomes an extension of your body and not the other way around. Then you become a natural player, just like a prodigy.

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