Efrem Zimbalist (1889–1985)

Efrem Zimbalist, Sr. was one of the world's most influential concert violinists and was the director of the Curtis Institute of Music for many years. He played with exquisite musicianship and an effortless technique.

Zimbalist was born in Rostov-on-Don Russia. At 12, he entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory where he joined the violin class of Leopold Auer. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1907 after winning a gold medal and the Rubinstein Prize. By age 21 he was one of the world's premiere violinists.

He made his US debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1911.

Zimbalist also had many famous students, most notably, Aaron Rosand, Oscar Shumsky and Shmuel Ashkenasi.

He was married to soprano Alma Gluck. His son Efrem jr. became a famous actor. He died at the age of 94.


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