Notes From My Studies With DC Dounis - eBook Instructions

Notes From My Studies With DC Dounis
eBook Instructions

  Make sure you have Java installed on your computer:

Click here to ensure your computer has Java installed.
The latest version of Java is not required. The above link simply verifies if any version is installed on your computer. (Link opens in a new window.)
  Open the downloaded file:

When purchasing the eBook from you will be able to download the file Notes_From_My_Studies_With_DC_Dounis.jar. This file contains your eBook, and will require you to enter a name and email address to access the file. This is a very simple process to ensure protection of the author's intellectual property.

Trouble-Shooting Assistance

Solving Problems with Java

The downloaded product file appears to be a ZIP file and the registration screen does not appear.

According to Sun Microsystems, this is a problem affecting a small percentage of Windows users. Fortunately, there is an easy fix, simply download and run the JarFix.exe file from the link below. This will fix the Windows problem.

After running the JarFix.exe utility, you can double-click the product file you have downloaded to open and register the file on your computer.

Unable to open the file.

Your computer may not have Java installed. Click the link below to update Java on your computer:

I am not able to install Java or I receive an error installing or updating Java.

This problem is solved by clearing the browser cache. To clean (delete) the Java cache, click the link below:

Solving Problems in Windows

After downloading the product file, the security settings in Windows 7 or Windows Vista require you to right-click on the file and choose to "Run as Administrator" before the program will open and allow you to register the product.